Dr. Isabelle-Anne Bisson met with 11 students from U of M’s Faculté de l’aménagement, École d’urbanisme et d’architecture on October 19th at the Pines Forest in Kanesatake and introduced the Environmental Contaminants Health and Impact Project (ECHIP) and IPCA (Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas). Dr. Bisson gave a demonstration on soil and water sampling for contaminant testing (heavy metals), while emphasizing the broader importance of this work for the Kanien’kéha:ka community of Kanesatake. The students worked in five groups to sample soil and water along the Ruisseau Raizenne in the forest for heavy metal contaminants. In total, 15 soil samples and five water samples were taken.

This field survey was, in part, an extension of the work conducted this summer by Dr. Niladri Basu of McGill University’s Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment at the Macdonald Campus. Dr. Basu is our academic partner on ECHIP – he and his colleague, Dr. Jessica Head, collected samples along the stream to test for pesticides. The samples collected by the U of M students will be analyzed in Dr. Basu’s lab.

Dr. Bisson conducted this specific science incubator project in collaboration with Dr. Heather Braiden, adjunct professor of the Faculté de l’aménagement at U of M. They agreed that students would help sample in order to learn more about the environmental contamination issue in the Kanien’kéha:ka community of Kanesatake. “The students showed a lot of enthusiasm and interest, asking many good questions on how environmental contaminants move through our environment from the source, especially through a body of water like the Raizenne stream,” said Dr. Bisson. The students also created a short video using a drone, which they will post later.

“We want to thank Dr. Heather Braiden and all her students for their assistance in this important matter,” said Dr. Isabelle-Anne Bisson.

About TerraHumana Solutions

TerraHumana Solutions is a consulting firm which specializes in helping community and business leaders to find sustainable solutions to environmental and social issues. Our approach is simple – we listen. Bringing 20 years of international experience in natural resource sciences, strategy, project conception, and management, we can find the right strategic approach for you. At TerraHumana Solutions, we contribute to informed decision-making on community and business engagement projects, and conservation projects with Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.

For more information, please contact:

Isabelle-Anne Bisson, Ph.D.
TerraHumana Solutions
+1 514 654-7835
[email protected]

How can TerraHumana Solutions help you?

We help you reduce your environmental footprint, increase your social engagement and sustainability, so you can demonstrate leadership, reduce costs, minimize risks, and meet stakeholder expectations.