
Assessment of environmental and social impact studies

Environmental and Social Impact Assessments: Review and Comparison

With over 30 years of expertise in scientific research, a deep understanding of social and natural systems, and practical experience in biodiversity conservation initiatives, we are equipped to help you develop a tailored strategic plan for your company’s environmental responsibility efforts.


Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

An ESIA is a process of predicting and measuring the effects of a program, project, or new development on the environment and local communities.

We provide critical analyses and ESIAs as a third party. Independent review is a crucial step in the development of any ESIA to ensure that scientific standards are met.

TerraHumana Solutions brings extensive expertise in consulting with both Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, demonstrating a proven ability to recommend effective alternative solutions and implement comprehensive mitigation measures.

Why TerraHumana Solutions?

The TerraHumana Solutions team brings decades of experience in scientific research. Our comprehensive understanding of natural and human systems stems from our in-depth knowledge of environmental operations, project development, environmental protection, work with Indigenous communities and other specialties critical to biodiversity preservation practices. Our unique perspective and comprehensive vision ensure that our clients receive a balanced approach to the biological, ecological, and ethical aspects of development.

Our Projects

Projects Serving the Community

How We Have Supported Communities Here and Abroad.

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If you have any questions about our services, feel free to contact us!

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